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State Medical Board Seeks Comments on Podiatry Rules
The State Medical Board of Ohio (SMBO) on October 16 opened a public comment period on two important administrative rules relating to the podiatry scope of practice. The rules define foot and outline requirements for podiatrists to perform surgery on the ankle joint.
All rules are required to be reviewed every five years through a multi-step process. The review process begins with SMBO seeking input from interested parties on the rules.
Ohio Revised Code states the practice of podiatric medicine and surgery consists of the medical, mechanical, and surgical treatment of ailments of the foot, the muscles and tendons of the leg governing the functions of the foot; and superficial lesions of the hand other than those associated with trauma.
Rule 4731-20-01, states that “Foot,” as used in section 4731.51 of the Revised Code, means the terminal appendage of the lower extremity and includes the ankle joint which consists of the tibial plafond, its posterolateral border (posterior malleolus), the medial malleolus, distal fibula (lateral malleolus) and the talus.
Rule 4731-20-02 empowers podiatrists to perform surgery on the ankle joint provided they hold privileges from a college of podiatric medicine, hospital, or ambulatory surgical center and can demonstrate adequate education, training and experience needed to conform to minimal standards of care of similar practitioners.
OHFAMA supports the current rules and recommends no changes or additions at this time. OHFAMA will monitor comments submitted by other parties and submit a memo supporting the current rules prior to the November 3 deadline for public comments.
Please contact OHFAMA Executive Director Mike Mathy if have any questions about the rules or the rule-review process.