Physicians Program
The Ohio Foot & Ankle Seminar offers top-notch lectures from leading experts from around the country. Attendees may register for the virtual seminar on April 20, 2024 (8 CME Hours), the live seminar May 16-17, 2024 (17 CME Hours), or both events at a special price.
109th Annual Ohio Foot and Ankle Scientific Seminar coming in 2025! Schedule and registration form for the Physicians Program will be posted the February 2025.
OHFAMA/WVPMA Member Both Virtual and In-Person - $275 Virtual Only - $100 In-Person Only - $200 |
APMA Member Both Virtual and In-Person - $350 Virtual Only - $125 In-Person Only - $250 |
Life Member Both Virtual and In-Person - $100 Virtual Only - $50 In-Person Only - $75 |
Student / Resident Member Both Virtual and In-Person - $50 Virtual Only - $35 In-Person Only - $50 |
Non-Member Both Virtual and In-Person - $525 Virtual Only - $200 In-Person Only - $350 |
SATURDAY - April 20, 2024 - VIRTUAL ONLY |
GoToWebinar - The link will be emailed the week of the seminar to all registrants via the email provided during registration. | |
7:30 AM - 9:30 AM | The Forefoot & Revision Forefoot Cases Faculty: Patrick Burns, DPM; Lawrence DiDomenico, DPM; Jacqueline Donovan, DPM; Scott Malay, DPM; Robert Mendicino, DPM; Al Ng, DPM Objective: Attendees will review and discuss real life experiences with forefoot and revision cases on the lower extremity. The session will present several cases for attendees to review how to perform surgical management of lower extremity surgery. |
9:30 AM - 9:45 AM | Break |
9:45 AM - 11:30 AM |
Diabetic Salvage, My "Sweetest" and Worst Case |
11:30 AM - 1:30 PM | PICA Risk Management Lecture - Principles of Complications Management Faculty: Luke Cicchinelli, DPM, June Laird, Esq, Kate Swanstrom, DPM Objective: This session will explore the intricacies of podiatric care through in-depth analysis of real-life cases, shedding light on exposures and complications. This course delves into the management and potential mismanagement of complications, emphasizing principles that could have averted legal implications. Attendees will review case analysis and examine multiple real-world podiatric cases to understand the factors leading to exposure. The session will discuss complication management and explore the nuances of managing podiatric complications, dissecting both successful and problematic approaches. Attendees will discuss the principles that could have averted complications and potential legal ramifications. The presentation will review legal safeguards and delve into the legal aspects surrounding podiatric care complications, identifying key principles and safeguards that if implemented, could help to prevent legal action. |
1:30 PM - 1:45 PM | Break |
1:45 PM - 4:00 PM |
Hindfoot and Ankle Cases |
THURSDAY - May 16, 2024 - IN PERSON ONLY |
6:30 AM - 7:00 AM | Registration |
7:00 AM - 9:30 AM |
Diabetic Patient Management - Regent Ballroom 2 & 3 |
9:30 AM - 10:00 AM | Break |
10:00 AM - 11:30 AM | MIS Possibilities and Forefoot Surgery - Regent Ballroom 2 & 3 Faculty: Joshua Banks, DPT; Samantha Bark, DPM; Roberto Brandao, DPM; Elizabeth Wakefield, DPM Presentations: MIS Bunion and MIS Akin; Hallux Rigidus Management: Office, Surgical, What Works for Me; MTP Fusion Options; Strategies for Forefoot Post-Op Edema; MIS Achilles and MIS Haglunds Syndrome; Objective: The session will present minimally invasive surgical procedures to consider for treatment of bunions, akin osteotomy’s, Achilles tendon injuries, and Haglund’s syndrome. Attendees will review several forefoot treatment techniques including hallux rigidus management, MTP fusion options, and discuss strategies for post-op edema. |
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM | Lunch and Learn (Pickup Tickets in the Exhibit Hall) Non-CECH – Ohio Category I Choose from 3 Educational Presentations: Session A: Beyond the Sole: Mastery of Mixed PAD/Venous Disease and Uncommon Podiatric Diagnoses - Faculty: Deepak Sudheendra, MD, MHCI, RPVI, FSIR - Juniper A Session B: Advanced Wound Care in Your Practice: Successful Outcomes, Profitability, and Medicare Compliance - Faculty: Michael Schubyn, DPM - Juniper B Session C: An Effective, Broad-Spectrum Antibiotic For The Treatment of ABSSSI in Adults - Faculty: Sarah Abshier, DPM - Juniper C |
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM |
3:00 PM - 3:30 PM | Break |
3:15 PM - 3:30 PM | OHFAMA Service Award & KSUCPM Update - |
3:30 PM - 5:30 PM | Looking Forward: Cutting Edge Technologies, Recent Trends, and How to Protect Yourself in a Changing World - Regent Ballroom 2 & 3 Faculty: Peter Highlander, DPM; Christopher Hyer, DPM; Rolland Ramdass, DPM; Matthew Reiner, DPM; Dan Zinsmaster, Esq Presentations: What is 3D Printing and What Role in F&A? ; My Cases with 3D Printing; Medical Practice/New Techniques/Standard of Care: Tips and Caution; Medical Practice and Social Media, Tips and Caution; Update on Contracts and Non-Competes in Medical; Top 10 Reasons for Malpractice Claims Objective: The session will highlight new technology and important day-to-day experiences for the current practicing physician to consider. Attendees will learn about the role that 3D printing can play with patient treatment, and how 3D printing can assist when considering treatment options using this technology. The session will discuss how practicing medicine in the days of social media can affect your license and your practice. Attendees will review contractual items when practicing medicine, and encounters to consider to avoid the top reasons for malpractice claims. |
5:30 PM - 6:30 PM | Welcome Reception |
FRIDAY - May 17, 2024 - IN PERSON ONLY |
7:00 AM - 7:30 AM | Registration |
7:30 AM - 9:00 AM |
Stuff Happens: How to Make the Most of Bad Outcomes and Complications - Regent Ballroom 2 & 3 |
7:30 AM - 9:30 AM | Breakout Session: APMA Presents - 2024 Coding and Documentation - Juniper A, B, C Faculty: Michael King, DPM and Andrew Pavelescu, DPM Objective: The session will review important E & M updates for 2024, and the presentation will discuss DME changes. Attendees will review the myth that there is “no such thing as routine foot care.” The session will review the importance of nail care and documentation. |
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM | Break - based on track attending |
9:30 AM - 11:30 AM |
Difficult Patients, Conditions, and Decisions: How to Optimize Their Management - Regent Ballroom 2 & 3 |
10:00 AM - 11:30 AM | Breakout Session: APMA Presents - 2024 Coding and Documentation Continued - Juniper A, B, C Faculty: Michael King, DPM and Andrew Pavelescu, DPM Objective: The session will discuss the hot topic issue of 25 and 59 modifiers, and other modifiers to be mindful of. Attendees will review unlisted codes, and how and when to use them. The session will discuss audits and what an office should and should not fear. |
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM | Exhibitor Marketplace Luncheon |
1:00 PM - 2:30 PM | Ankle Arthritis, TAR, Sports Injury and Recovery - Regent Ballroom 2 & 3 Faculty: Joshua Banks, DPT; Roberto Brandao, DPM; Melissa Galli, DPM; Christopher Hyer, DPM Presentations: Ankle Trauma and Post Trauma DJD; When TAR or Ankle Fusion?; Evolution of TAR, Not So Experimental Anymore; Common Sports Injuries of Foot & Ankle; Rehab in Foot and Ankle and Importance of Proprioception Objective: The session will review several ankle injuries, degenerative joint disease and treatment options. Attendees will discuss options between fusion and TAR, and the evolution of TAR. The session will review common foot and ankle sport injuries. Discussion will include the importance of proprioception when rehabbing any ankle injury. |
1:00 PM - 1:30 PM | Breakout Session: Artificial Intelligence in Lower Extremity Dermatology - Regent Ballroom 1 Faculty: William Scherer, DPM Objective: The session will review how artificial intelligence software, computers, and smartphone apps can aid podiatrists in the diagnosis and management of lower extremity skin and nail conditions. The presentation will provide new knowledge about the application of artificial intelligence in podiatry, and how technology may improve physicians’ lower extremity dermatology diagnostic skills. Attendees will understand proper use and limitations of artificial technology in clinical practice, and how it may improve patient outcomes with AI guided diagnosis and treatment of skin and nail disorders. Discussion will include if new technology will reduce errors in the diagnosis of skin and nail pathology. |
1:30 PM - 2:00 PM | Breakout Session: Podiatric Misdiagnoses Resulting in Malignancies - Regent Ballroom 1 Faculty: William Scherer, DPM Objective: The session will review several podiatry case studies involving the misdiagnosis or failure to diagnose various lower extremity soft tissue, nail, and bone malignancies with emphasis on evidence-based medicine, best practices, and risk management. The presentation will provide new knowledge about common podiatric skin, nail, bone malignancies to improve a physician’s diagnostic skill with identifying lower extremity malignancies. Attendees will understand legal and medical factors resulting from failure to diagnose malignancies, and how to improve patient outcomes with early diagnosis and treatment of malignancies. |
1:00 PM - 2:30 PM |
Breakout Session: MIPS 2024 Update - Juniper A, B, C Objective: The APMA is now encouraging all members to report podiatry specific quality measures and learn what they are and how to report those measures. The session will cover all measures that can fit into the workflow for a podiatrist and discuss how to report those measures. Attendees will understand the podiatry specific measures that are available for them to utilize. The session will explain other measures that can be reported to for physicians to succeed in MIPS. The presentation will help attendees understand the relationship between quality reporting and quality care. |
2:30 PM - 3:00 PM | Break |
3:00 PM - 4:45 PM | Evolution of Practice: Nothing Stays the Same - Regent Ballroom 2 & 3 Faculty: Patrick Burns, DPM; Doug Chalker, RT; Lawrence DiDomenico, DPM; Mark Hofbauer, DPM; Mark Mendeszoon, DPM; Randall Thomas, DPM Presentations: Changes to My Surgical Practice Over the Years: Bunion; Changes to My Surgical Practice Over the Years: PTTD and PPV; Changes to My Surgical Practice Over the Years: PF; Changes to My Surgical Practice Over the Years: Hammertoe; What You Should Know About SPECT CT; WBCT in Your Foot and Ankle Practice Objective: The session will highlight how the practice of podiatric medicine has evolved over time. The faculty will share their experiences with several common patient procedures including how to treat; Bunions, PTTD and PPV, and Hammertoes. Presentations will include things to consider about SPECT CT and what why to consider weight-bearing computed tomography in your practice |
3:00 PM - 4:00 PM | Breakout Session: The HIPAA Right of Access Rule - Juniper A, B, C Faculty: Michael Brody, DPM Objective: It is important to understand that patients have a right to their health information. This ensures the patient can be engaged in their healthcare, and failure to respond to patient requests can result in major fines. This session will discuss and review the Right of Access Rule. Attendees will understand the exceptions to the Rule, and how patients can use this information to become more engaged in their care. |
4:45 PM - 5:30 PM | O Doctor, Where Art Thou? - Congressman Brad Wenstrup, DPM |
5:30 PM - 6:30 PM | Seminar Closing Reception |
Seminar Chairs
Virtual Seminar Day, April 20, 2024
- Lawrence DiDomenico, DPM
- Robert Mendicino, DPM
In-Person Seminar, May 16 -17, 2024
- Sarah Abshier, DPM
- Christopher Hyer, DPM
Staff Contact
- Luci Ridolfo, CAE
OFAMF Executive Director
Phone: (614) 457-6269
Learning Objectives
Upon conclusion of the Annual Seminar, podiatric physicians will be able to:
- Be knowledgeably informed or recall information regarding podiatric conditions, maladies or circumstances relating to the practice of medicine and podiatry;
- Extrapolate by comprehension, understanding or perception the insight gained via lecture and discussion relating to the practice of medicine and podiatry;
- Formulate or infer by application case relevance relating to the practice of medicine and podiatry;
- Distinguish by analysis the appropriate modalities in the treatment, care and protocols of current trends, application and practices of medicine in podiatry;
- Generalize, synthesize, or deduce by classification ways to develop treatment protocols based on current literature and evidenced based medicine;
- Compare, contrast and evaluate judgment values for those ideas presented between medical and surgical applications
OFAMF maintains responsibility for the programming selection. To submit a speaker or workshop proposal please contact Luci Ridolfo, CAE.
Each speaker is required to disclose the existence of any financial and/or other relationships (i.e., employee, consultant, speaker’s bureau, grant recipient, research support) she or he might have with (a) manufacturer(s) of any commercial product(s) to be discussed during his/her presentation and/or (b) the commercial contributor(s) of the activity. Any such conflict will be announced by the individual introducing the speaker or by the speaker immediately preceding the lecture.
The Ohio Foot and Ankle Medical Foundation is approved by the Council on Podiatric Medical Education as a sponsor of continuing education in podiatric medicine.